| Everything you need to know - How to find Monarch Butterfly eggs and caterpillars on Milkweed 28. 08. 2020 15:00:05 I take you directly to a patch of Common Milkweed and show you how to find monarch eggs and/or larvae. I explain and show what pin head size monarch eggs look-like and where they are located on Milkweed. I explain why there is rarely more than one egg on any milkweed plant and why the eggs are alw... |
 | Easy craft project - How to make the best DIY bug box or critter cage at practically no cost 30. 08. 2020 18:34:59 I show how to build a well-ventilated critter cage or bug box with plastic jars, fiberglass window screening and a glue gun. The design was part of my series on rearing monarch caterpillars from finding milkweed and monarch eggs to eventual tagging and release. Ventilation is very important to keep... |
 | How to make DIY critter cage for Monarchs, other butterflies, and any insect. Low cost, easy to make 1. 09. 2020 00:28:20 In this video I show viewers how to make a insect critter cage that is large enough to place a vase of water with fresh milkweed or flowers. The cage feature a full opening velcro front door and well ventilated with screening on all four sides. A materials list is found below. The cage is made wi... |
 | How to care for Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars at home 1. 09. 2020 15:00:02 Follow-up to earlier episodes on identifying and finding Milkweed and finding eggs and caterpillars. Now you have a caterpillar! Now what? How do you care for it? In this video I show you different ways you can rear caterpillars in different kinds of containers, on leaves or on plants with full st... |
 | Monarch instar larva stages and caterpillar diseases. Metamorphosis and molting explained 4. 09. 2020 15:00:15 In this video I explain and compare complete and incomplete metamorphosis, exoskeletons and endoskeletons, molting and some common monarch diseases and parasites. This is part of my continuing series on Monarchs and the migration phenomena that encourages hands-on participation with home rearing of... |
 | Introduction to NATURE AT YOUR DOOR 7. 09. 2020 23:02:11 My goal is to engage children and families in learning about Nature/Biology/Life science just outside your door! I have been in education for almost 40 years and this channel began as an outreach to kids sent home to in the spring 2020 Covid19 crisis. My videos are fun and engaging but I teach s... |
 | the Story of the Monarch Butterfly. Structure and Function - The Caterpillar Stage 8. 09. 2020 15:00:01 The Monarch caterpillar is the focus of this video and how its structure relates to its function. The video is based on the physical anatomy (structure) and how the parts are used (function) for survival. I review the head with 12 eyes, mandibles, antennae, maxillary palps and discuss their use and... |
 | larva explained/how to determine sex of chrysalis/and the story of the transformation | Monarch J 11. 09. 2020 15:00:04 In this video I review the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly and focus on the behavior and transformation of the 5th instar larva after it has finisihed eating. I show the formation of the silken pad or button and how the caterpillar hangs as a J for around 24 hours before shedding its skin to be... |
 | How to ensure safe emergence from the chrysalis, see it happen, and ID sex of butterfly and tag 15. 09. 2020 15:00:08 When chrysalis are formed in the wrong place or when they fall, what to do is explained in this video. After the first 24 hours a chrysalis can be moved and either hung from a string or placed on a paper towel in an 'emergence' chamber. I show both ways in this video. Viewers can also watch the ec... |
 | 9/6/20 - New Introduction to NATURE AT YOUR DOOR 15. 09. 2020 19:56:38 My goal is to engage children and families in learning about Nature/Biology/Life science that is just outside YOUR door! I have been in education for almost 40 years and this channel began as an outreach to kids sent home in the spring 2020 Covid19 crisis. My videos are fun and engaging but I tea... |
 | I discovered all three stages of the Red-spotted Newt, ON THE SAME DAY 18. 09. 2020 15:00:11 The life history of the Red Spotted Newt (Eastern Newt) (Notophthalmus Viridescens) is explained. I was able to find all three live stages 1. aquatic larval newt 2. the terrestrial eft stage and 3. the aquatic adult stage. This is one of the most unique life histories of any salamander with multip... |
 | Put to the test - What can an Eastern Ratsnake (Black snake) climb 25. 09. 2020 20:32:58 In this video a cooperative black snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) demonstrates its superior climbing ability! The Eastern Ratsnake is put to the test: climbing vertical trees of all sizes, rock walls, and even vinyl siding! The terrestrial and arboreal snake may be one of most visible snakes... |
 | Everything you need to know about this nursery web Spider - Fierce Fishing Spiders are great moms 2. 10. 2020 15:00:00 Fishing Spiders are some of largest in North America! They are in nursery web spider group and protect their offspring until they are ready to venture out into the world. This video features a large female fishing spider that was observed over a period of about a week watching over her offspring. ... |
 | Diadophis punctuatus) - Everything you need to know about Ring-necked snakes 9. 10. 2020 15:00:07 This harmless snake is technically a venomous snake with mild toxin in its saliva and rear-facing, fang-like projections in the back of its mouth. You will learn how to identity and distinguish between the Northern Ring-necked Snake as well as the Southern Ring-necked. Where Ring-necked snakes c... |
 | Identification and the complete natural history of Sceloporus undulatus - Fence Lizard 16. 10. 2020 15:00:46 I discovered an Eastern Fence Lizard, literally, outside my door! In this video I breakdown their common names and scientific names and how they got them! I thnk compare lizards and salamanders for those that may still be confused on which is which! I show video and photos of this lizard in its nat... |
 | Grey Tree Frogs Pt 1. Discover the mystery on this Appalachian Summit 23. 10. 2020 15:00:05 While I was hiking the Appalachian Trail in Virginia I was shocked to discover Gray Tree Frog tadpoles in a tiny puddle on a sandstone rock summit at 3,199 feet above sea level. I discuss why they are there, how they survive and the environmental challenges they face. Awed by how nature will take ... |
 | Learn to identify Maple Trees now and make your own maple syrup in February 25. 10. 2020 18:56:14 In this video I will show you the basics of Maple Tree Identification. Sugar Maple, Red Maple, and Silver Maple are all common trees that yield sap to make Maple Syrup when tapped. This is a good time to identify maple trees to use later this winter to tap to make syrup. Making maple syrup is a fu... |
 | Five Fascinating Frog Fun Facts about Gray Tree Frogs - Gray Tree Frog Pt 2 30. 10. 2020 14:00:02 This video follows up Pt 1 where I discover Gray Tree Frog Tadpoles in a puddle in a rock at 3,199 ft summit on the Applalachian Trail in Virginia in late September. I explain how to identify Gray Tree frogs and the difference between Copes Gray Tree Frog (24 chromosomes, 2N) Diploid and the Gray T... |
 | Is the Black Widow Spider the most venomous spider in North America 6. 11. 2020 15:00:13 I found a Black Widow Spider under a dog bowl just outside my back door and took the opportunity to film this episode on the most venomous spider in North America. I present five important facts about the Black Widow spider. The black widow spider bite is very dangerous. I explain how to identify... |
 | Five facts about Mantis revealed - Fact or Fiction - Do Praying Mantises really eat Humming Birds 13. 11. 2020 15:00:08 Rumor and photos have flown around internet showing praying mantises eating hummingbirds! Fact or Fiction? Doctored photos? In fact, a scientific journal article has reported a 150 instance where this has occurred. It is rare occurrence but has been documented. Primarily, praying mantises are inse... |
 | Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar) - Can Woolly Bear REALLY forecast winter? Five Researched Facts 20. 11. 2020 15:00:25 In this video about Woolly Bears, also known as the Woolly Worm or even Hedgehog caterpillars, I will address 5 fascinating facts about Woolly bears. Also included is analysis of what is fiction and how stories of Woolly Bears got started! I begin with breaking down the scientific name of the Woo... |
 | How it spread from native range and possible symbiosis with ice age Mammoths - Osage Orange tree 27. 11. 2020 15:00:09 The original range of the Osage Orange tree was in a narrow band in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Maclura pomifera was also known as Hedge Apple, Bois d'arc and Monkey Brain. It was spread beyond its range by Native American Indians who valued its wood for the bows it produced and early settlers w... |
 | Wolffia sp - Watermeal - What is the smallest flower in the world? It may be in pond near you now 4. 12. 2020 15:00:27 The Duckweed Family, Lemnaceae include the smallest flowering plants in the world. In this video, I discover two members of the Duckweed Family: Duckweed, Leman sp. and Watermeal, Woffia sp. growing together in a pond.... |
 | 'On Rose Petals and Mud' Special edition by my grandson Henry Taylor 6. 12. 2020 15:14:05 My grandson's interpretation of Nature at your Door! Enjoy!... |
 | Check out Duckweed's unique survival strategy - How do organisms survive winter and freezing temps 11. 12. 2020 15:00:09 Organisms have many different strategies to survive winter. Some organisms burrow deep, others fly south, some loose leaves and become dormant, some hibernate, some have anti-freeze in their blood, and others over-winter as eggs. There are many different and fascinating strategies to survive long ... |
 | Bark centipede/Scolopocryptops sexspinosus) - Five facts you need to know about Centipedes 18. 12. 2020 15:00:02 In this video a Bark Centipede is temporarily captured and observed before being released again to where he was found. The centipede is a Bark Centipede. Mostly likely Scolopocryptops sexspinosus). With video and close-ups I explain 5 facts about Centipedes: 1. Their classification: Phylum arthrop... |
 | Some Facts About Sand Dollars Georgia Usa - Copy of Live Feed 22. 12. 2020 16:22:53 This was a live video from Tybee Island where I found both a sand dollar endoskelton and a complete possibly living sand dollar that I later returned to the ocean. I discuss how to know, when you find a sand dollar if you can keep the 'shell' or if you should throw it back in the ocean if it is ali... |
 | Delectable winter forage prize, but did you know it is also carnivorous predator - Oyster Mushrooms 25. 12. 2020 15:00:03 In this episode a friend calls me to ask about a mushroom that was actively growing in her yard, surprisingly in the winter! Upon examination I determined it was an Oyster Mushroom, Genus Pleurotus ( and likely to be Pleurotus ostreatus). I explain how to identify this species by shape, color, whe... |
 | Some strategies and tracking animals in the snow - How do organisms survive winter 27. 12. 2020 06:00:08 In this video I walk through the frozen and snow covered landscaped of a deciduous forest in the temperate climate of Floyd County Virginia, in the heart of the Appalachian mountains. I discuss various strategies of trees, insects and mammals to survive long periods of below freezing temperatures. A... |
 | So what is it - Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) Not Spanish, Not moss.and has no roots 8. 01. 2021 15:00:31 Spanish Moss drapes trees in the south and gives the huge live oaks of Savanah, Georgia its iconic appeal. This video explains the misnomers of its name. It is not spanish nor is it a moss! So what is it. Spanish moss in is actually a true flowering plant of the Angiosperm group. It is in the Br... |
 | SNOW SHOE FUN in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA 9. 01. 2021 15:48:30 ... |
 | Deciduous tree biology, photosynthesis/xylem/phloem, bark ID, history of and DIY Maple Syrup making 12. 01. 2021 23:10:30 In this video I visit a Maple Tree in mid-winter in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, specifically Floyd County, Virginia. I discuss the winter dormancy of the tree, how sugars made by photosynthesis in summer are stored in roots. i explain how water and sugar move down in a tree through special v... |
 | A natural oddity, found world-wide, and locally is one of our Winter Edible Mushrooms - Wood Ear 15. 01. 2021 15:00:06 In this video I discover Wood Ear mushroom on a winter walk. Many species of edible and not mushrooms can be observed in winter. Here I share some of these species I observed on a winter walk in the Appalachian Mountains. I focus on the Wood Ear mushroom, describe its different names, examine its ... |
 | Learn ID, habits, and songs - Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major) Generalist or specialist 22. 01. 2021 15:00:13 Boat-tailed Grackles are a common site on shorelines from North Carolina to Texas and beyond! They are gregarious birds and and present a great opportunity to watch bird behavior, songs and feeding habits. In this video I show you how to identify males and females and recognize many of their voices.... |
 | Betula alleghaniensis) - Everything you need to know about Yellow or Golden Birch 29. 01. 2021 15:00:05 Yellow or Golden Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) gets its name from its striking golden bark. Here in Appalachian Mountains it is considered a higher elevation 'persistent successional species). I compare the bark of this tree to that of Sweet or Black Birch or Sweet Birch (Betula lenta). I show ... |
 | Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle facts, history, issues and solutions - Lady Bugs in Your House 5. 02. 2021 15:00:06 Muliticolored Asian Lady Beetles (Harmonia axyridis) are a common unwanted winter vistor INSIDE peoples homes. This video describes how to identify the beeltle, why it is a true beetle and not a bug, how it came to the USA, how it got into your house, what is it doing in your home, what damage do... |
 | Five Fascinating Facts you should know including Thermogenesis - Skunk Cabbage melts snow and ice 12. 02. 2021 15:00:03 Eastern Skunk Cabbage is the first spring woodland wildflowers to emerge each year in temperate North American forests. The plant has the rare property of producing its on heat sometimes up to 35 C or 63 F degrees above ambient temperature! It literally can melt its way through snow and ice! All ... |
 | Your questions answered here - How to Tap Maple Tree to make your own Maple Syrup 19. 02. 2021 15:00:04 In this video I show step by step how to tap a Maple Tree in order to draw sap to make Maple Syrup. There are a lot of different methods to tap maple trees. I like using a simple tap and metal bucket with a lid. Taps and buckets of metal or plastic are sold on line by many retailers. Be sure whi... |
 | Replacing 1957 Chimney Roost by local citizens. Radford, VA - Chimney Swift Tower Project 20. 02. 2021 00:44:28 A group of citizens in Radford, Virginia initiated a project to replace a school Chimney that was torn down in a much needed school renovation. Native, migratory, insectivorous Chimney Swifts are in decline across eastern North America as old chimney's disappear and are replaced with inaccessible fl... |
 | Everything you need to know to make your own DIY Maple Syrup - From Sap to Syrup 26. 02. 2021 15:00:09 This video is the follow-up to 1) identifying maples 2) Deciduous Trees in Winter, 3) How to tap maple trees. I show how to collect sap from buckets, how to boil it down, how to know when it is ready: 1) Candy thermometer 2) hydrometer, and 3) spoon test. I included discussion of history, indigen... |
 | plus 'how-to' on finding salamanders - Discover spring and organisms that are emerging now 5. 03. 2021 15:00:19 This episode is based in the Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia at an elevation of 2700 ft. Spring is unfolding and if you live in the northern hemisphere you are encouraged to go outside and observe and see what you can discover. Plants, animals, fungi are all emerging from a long winter... |
 | How and why they are there, what they are doing, and what you can do - Stink Bugs in Your House 12. 03. 2021 15:00:14 Alien Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs were first documented near Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1998. By 2012 they had spread to 40 of 50 states. They have caused millions of dollars in damage to agriculture crops especially 'pit fruits' including peaches and plums. Stink Bugs are 'true bugs' in the orde... |
 | the earth's most unique bio-phenomena! Billions prepping now - 17 Year Periodical Cicada Brood X 19. 03. 2021 14:00:30 Brood X The 17 Year Periodical Cicada, Magicicada sp. is about to emerge in the billions in 2021 across over more than 200 counties in at least 12 states. Billions of exit burrows will be appear well in advance of the actual emergence carefully and discretely prepared and coordinated by the larva ... |
 | How to identify and find these special amphibians - Wood Frog Fun Facts 25. 03. 2021 18:41:32 Wood Frog Lithobates sylvaticus is a frog species that lives in the terrestrial environment except to breed. I discover an egg-laden female wood on a morning walk and use this frog to tell its life story. I break down the scientific name of the frog whose ancient language roots essentially means ... |
 | one of first spring woodland wildflowers! How to ID and fascinating facts - Bloodroot 26. 03. 2021 14:00:06 Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot is one of the earliest of the ephemeral spring woodland wildflowers to bloom. It takes advantage of the sun available before the leaves close in the canopy. It has one brilliant white flower with 8 to ten petals on a single stalk and a second stalk with o... |
 | Red Spotted Newt Reproduction Behavior - All About Newts 9. 04. 2021 15:00:10 Follow me to my pond where I spent hours watching and videoing male and female Red-spotted Newts interacting and mating. In this video I show you how to identify males by their long heavily keeled tail, their enlarged thick rear legs, and their enlarged red cloaca. Females have not so long or keel... |
 | Pennsylvania bittercress 11. 04. 2021 17:30:13 How to find and identify Pennsylvania Bittercress. Edibilty and historical importance and natural history.... |
 | Weed or flower of value and history - Ground Ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, Creeping Charlie 16. 04. 2021 15:00:17 In this video I visit a mowed area in a local park in early spring. Many spring flowers grow vigorously before grasses have really begun growing and before leaves are out on trees. Too many these are simply 'weeds' to be mowed, sprayed, or dug up and discarded. Many of these are in fact, technica... |
 | At first mistaken for dandelion, it's not your average 'weed' - Coltsfoot (Tussilago) A cough med 23. 04. 2021 15:00:05 Coltsfoot flowers at first glance look like dandelions but a closer look will reveal that they are not. This video shows you where and when to find coltsfoot, what are its features, how it is different from a dandelion, how it gets its common name, how it gets its scientific name and how it was use... |
 | A common flower with an uncommon story - (Viola sororia) Five Fascinating Facts - Violets 30. 04. 2021 15:00:13 In this video i highlight another of the flowers that some call 'weeds'! It is a common flower with an uncommon natural history. In this video I discuss the variety of violets, and the number of species and how they hybridize. I discuss past and present uses as both food and medicine. Violet le... |