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Similar trips - Kubed - Lačna

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Ročinj - Sveti Pavel (above Ročinj) (via Preval)
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Serdiškis, or Red Bank, is a 416 m high hill located near the border with Austria. The grassy hill, with a few benches and a wooden log cabin, of...
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Janški vrh is a 417m high peak on which stands a small village of the same name and the 15th century church of St John the Baptist. The place is ...
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Sotinski breg or Kugla is the highest peak in Prekmurje at 418 m. From the top, which has a wooden lookout tower with a bell and a cross on it, y...
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Sotina - Sotinski breg (Kugla) (via the source of mineral water)
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Sotinski breg or Kugla is the highest peak in Prekmurje at 418 m. From the top, which has a wooden lookout tower with a bell and a cross on it, y...
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